Consider making a tax deductible contribution to MAPS Arts!

Donations go towards making arts-based programming for marginalized and underserved populations possible. Besides one-time donations, we are looking for sponsorship in 2020/2021.  If you are interested please contact us! We accept cash, checks, online and stock donations.

MAPS Arts 2020 Projects


MAPS Arts 2020 Project Details


Arab-American Family Support Center

AAFSC’s mission is to “empower immigrants and refugees with the tools they need to successfully acclimate to the world around them and become active participants in their communities.”  MAPS Arts will offer a variety of arts programming for youths served by AAFSC, on a weekly basis. This work will include puppet-making workshops, music recording sessions, and visual art workshops at AAFSC’s Brooklyn location (150 Court Street).

New Sanctuary Coalition

This is an organization “led by and for immigrants to stop the inhumane system of deportations and detentions in this country.”  MAPS Arts will be bringing arts programming on a weekly basis to children while their parents obtain legal and other assistance from the Coalition. The projects we bring will change throughout the year, shifting with the seasons, holidays as well as the children’s needs and interests.

East Village Community School

EVCS is a public school in the East Village where “ students learn the importance of community building, social responsibility, and conflict resolution.” We will be augmenting existing classroom curricula using puppet-making, songwriting, performance and visual art for 4th Grade, Kindergarten and Preschool.


Newcomer Academy

We will be bringing arts programming to K-12th grade at the Newcomer Academy in Allentown, PA. This is a public school which “serves a culturally and linguistically diverse population of more than 200 students from around the world. Newcomer Academy is a transitional program for students to obtain adequate skills and tools to be successful in courses and integrated into their home school.” Our projects will include puppet-making workshops, music recording sessions, and more!


Casa Alitas

MAPS Arts will be creating a series of puppet-making, visual art and music workshops over the course of 6 weeks for migrant families at Casa Alitas in Tucson, Arizona. Casa Alitas works with families just released from ICE by providing a safe space to stay, clothes, and food. Our work here will be aimed at providing families creative relief from trying circumstances. Our work here will be in the interest of enhancing these healing experiences.

Tucson Children’s Museum

MAPS Arts will be creating an interactive art installation during a community night at the Tucson Children’s Museum. We will be developing an audio-visual installation that incorporates the use of story and imagination, with instruments strewn through the space that children can play as a way to actively participate in the performance.

North Carolina

U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants

MAPS Arts will be working with the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants branch located in Raleigh, North Carolina.  We will be providing programming for the communities the USCRI serves in their various locations throughout the city.