We are launching a new initiative to provide meaningful art and music experiences to kids from all backgrounds. While the ongoing pandemic is a challenge to all, COVID-19 has exacerbated the already exceptional challenges that underserved families grapple with on a daily basis.
We are working with several NYC public schools to offer the enriching experience of art-making and creative fun to students in need. We are offering workshops to these kids for FREE because we feel, and we’re sure you agree, that they deserve these kinds of experiences regardless of their family’s financial circumstances.
How are we going to do this? With your help! Registering for a workshop that runs once a week will ensure that your kids get a great art-making experience AND it will allow us to run a similar program for children from underserved communities.
There is much to be done across our society as we all work together to understand and eradicate the unfairness built into our financial and legal systems. We believe that providing children with exceptional educational experiences in art, music and beyond is an integral part of this work. By lifting up underprivileged kids through these kinds of experiences, we have an opportunity to make lasting change.
Interested in supporting this project? Fill out our form!
Note: These workshops are being offered under our nonprofit, so 50% is tax deductible!